SAN under the Hamro Samman project was generously supported by the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the British people through the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (UK aid) and implemented by Winrock International contributed on objective for Strengthening national and local Government of Nepal (GON) efforts to combat and Improving civil society organisation (CSO) advocacy and engagement to address Trafficking In Person. Orientation Module for Local Government Leaders; Provincial Level conference and Orientation on CTIP for Local Governments; District level training for potential LCCHTs members from 36 Local Governments;Developed handbook for Provincial Government on Countering Human Trafficking; Support to provincial and Local Governments to Develop CTIP Policies and Programs; Develop Nepali version of Leadership for Change Manual; Train Network of CTIP Champion ; CTIP advocacy Priority setting for CSO hubs and Develop advocacy and Communication Plan; Technical Assistance and Mentoring for CSOs were Major actions.